Team VIRTU/e

Supporting the transition to sustainable cities worldwide.

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check out our events...

January 15, 2024Momentum Office, 5612AX
March 11, 2024Light Assembly, InnoSpace
June 3, 2024 Momentum Office, 5612AX
TBDSecondaty Label


Support the transition to sustainable cities worldwide. 


To improve the quality within Eindhoven by adding zero-impact housing.

About us

Team VIRTU/e started as a part of the Honors Academy at Eindhoven University of technology in 2016. Since then, it has spun off into a multidisciplinary student team that focuses on sustainability within the built environment. With the vision and mission in mind, team VIRTU/e used regularly participates in the international competition: ‘Solar Decathlon’.  

With innovative designs, materials and building methods and collaboration with students from different studies we build exemplary sustainable houses of the future. 

Currently, the 3rd generation of team VIRTU/e, so-called VIRTU/e 3.0, is working on a new project in hopes and endeavors to continue the legacy of previous generations.