Join Us

Let’s work together!

Team VIRTU/e has open recruitment twice a year, the application period is always open in Quartile 2 and 4. This is with the intention that the new members would join Quartile 1 and 3. 

We host lunch lectures and a more casual interest drink during the recruitment period. For these events, look for our posters and social media for more information!

After you apply via our form, our HR person will reach out to schedule an interview with you. After the interview, the board will decide on the outcome.

If you have any more questions, you can reach out to to ask questions or plan a short coffee chat with a team member. Hope to see you on our team!

Our Vacancies

Designing, building, and operating a house is a complex and extensive process that involves different positions. Therefore, we operate in different layers consisting of the board and various sub-teams. Each position works 20 hours per week.

Check out below which positions are open! 


  • Team manager is the head of team VIRTU/e. As the team manager, you will be responsible for overseeing all the organization, communication, planning and other activities within the team. You will also keep the team motivated and acts as a spokesperson for the team, acting as the face of our student team.

  • Financial Manager is responsible for managing team’s finances. This often involves managing and setting a budget, obtaining needed finances and working with subsidies. They also responsible for payments of invoices, taxation and planning out cashflows throughout the project. Additionally, they are also a team-lead of the affordability and viability sub-team.

  • As the Partner Manager, you feel comfortable reaching out to new companies in a professional way. With the existing partners new meetings are arranged and prepared with them and members of the team. You feel confident to get in contact with them by mailing or calling.

    For this function being able to speak Dutch is required, because we have a lot of Dutch partners. 

  • Item description

Building Team

  • As an architect, you are the project’s creative visionary and mastermind. You are shaping your own creative ideas into a project while implementing innovative principles and solutions.

    During your time with us, you will also get to work with architects from different architectural companies who will provide you with valuable insights on the project. 

    If you are applying for this position, a portfolio is required.

  • As a structural designer you will focus on developing a structure that is in accordance with the Dutch Building code. This includes the NEN and Bouwbesluit. As the project develops you will create different structural variants based on the requirements, which will be discussed with our advisory partner to create an evaluated and elaborate structure. Once this task is done you will most likely focus more on fabrication and detailing of the structure.

Urban Team

  • As an Urban Designer, you are envisioning the project in urban landscapes. You will transform your innovative ideas into a housing concept that is both visionary and sustainable. You will get to expand your knowledge of housing typologies, urban scenarios, and you will get to integrate forward thinking principles into the project.

    You will also be provided with valuable insights and guidance from different companies and experts.  

    If you are applying for this position, a portfolio is required.

Building Physics & Materials Team

  • As a Building Physics Expert you will get to explore different topics on how to achieve comfortable indoor and outdoor environment, while also achieving climate- and energy-neutrality of the project. This for example involves exploration of topics from acoustics, lighting, materials to performance and building physics.

Affordability & Viability Team

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Technical Team

  • You work on the interior systems that make the building a comfortable and functional place. Integration and design of systems that aid in ventilation, daylight, heating and cooling. You can work on integrating existing systems or design/redesign more novel systems with partners. One of the bigger challenges is the amount and types of materials used in these systems, as they are often considered critical materials.  

  • As an electrical engineer you ensure that the house is supplied with energy at the right place and time. You do this by aligning supply and demand using energy storage and production systems (Photovoltaics). As well as establishing the requirements for the fuse systems and logical integration of power stations around the house. To have a clear overview of the conditions of the building, the integration of sensors and measuring tools to gather data can be helpful. This data can then be used to update the digital twin or indoor climate.    

    We have partners that can support you in developing the required skills and knowledge regarding the complexity of Building Information Modeling (BIM). 

Public Relations

  • As a graphic designer, you will be responsible for creating visuals for our social media, reports, documents and events. You will work within the Public Relations sub-team along with the Public relations specialists to ensure VIRTU/e’s story is presented well.

  • As a User Experience and Interaction Expert on the team, you will focus on optimizing the usability and interactivity of the products by the design team. Your role will involve crafting intuitive and engaging user experiences by applying research-driven design principles.

    Like other team members, you will expand your skills in creating user-centered solutions and receive expert insights from leading professionals in the field.

Construction Management & Engineering

  • Resolving issues with different models from different sub teams, overlaying the different layers to create a complete and aligned digital twin. Mostly focuses on managing the relations and agreements between the different sub teams to reduce possible clashes on different fronts such as dimensions, utilities, structure. Building over a scan of an existing building from a point cloud model. We have partners that can support you in developing the required skills and knowledge regarding the complexity of BIM.

  • As a BIM modeler you create a model based on the designs and input of the different sub teams to create a digital twin that is detailed and can be used for manufacturing and the export of most necessary details and plans. Most likely this will be done in Revit, which means that some experience might be beneficial. However, other software’s can be proposed.

    We have partners that can support you in developing the required skills and knowledge regarding the complexity of BIM.